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Simmie now refers to Kenya as her ‘home-away-from-home’.  It has not been an easy road.  Corruption and selfishness have limited the amount of progress she could make at the Rescue Center.  But where there is an obstacle there is always a way around. 

Simmie has learned to work within a convoluted system, how to be extremely resourceful and assertive while maintaining her integrity. Known in the community  as a force to be reckoned with, as she is intolerant of corruption and refuses to be exploited.  

In early 2013, WatotoWorld graciously received a donated piece of land.  Here, we built a new center on the land,  away from the corruption and difficulties that plagued the previous home. Today, nearing our 11 year anniversary, the kids and the center are flourishing - we have fresh water, solar power throughout with a back up of electricity, and a beautiful, thriving farm.

​Simmie understands that the joy, heartbreak, frustration, and cultural differences are simply part of the process. She now has a tight network of people that can be trusted and the perspective that comes from knowing the territory. The focus is on the future- continuing to build a new community to better serve Watoto World Centre's children.


Nearly 20 years ago Simmie Issenberg’s life was changed forever.  She planned a trip to Kenya to help impoverished children.  She figured if she could change just one child’s life for the better, then she would have succeeded.  During that trip she fell in love with the children of a rural Rescue Center– All 26 of them!

Countless trips later, the children call her "Mum" or “Auntie Simmie” but she is called “Mama Simba” by those who have inflicted harm among the children in one way or another. Simba means lion. It is a good name.  She fiercely protects her cubs.

In return, Simmie has been rewarded by the enormously progressive changes in the children whose short lives had previously been consumed with neglect, abuse and emotional trauma.  She has witnessed the bright spirit of these children as they heal and begin to thrive.  Even more inspiring is the strong sense of community the children have cultivated. They take care of one another, as a family should.

"On one particular visit...a teacher came out to greet me and said  'We always know when Auntie Simmie is here because the children carry themselves with pride and confidence.  Their mood is lifted and they are all so happy.' ​

I asked this teacher what it is like when I am not here, and she responded simply 'The children pray for you.'​"​​​​


All Administrative and Promotional Costs are privately funded.

We'd love to hear from you!

CONTACT: Simmie Issenberg


 phone: US (1) 978 204 4360 

Kenya +254 703 839 176

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WatotoWorld, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit.   

  Website Design by Lisa Erickson

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